Monday, September 9, 2013

☽ ⋆ 【 Moonlight Ecstasy】 Prussia • Lemon

It was beautiful, the sun sinking below the horizon, its warm light bathing everything in an amber glow. Only the flickering torches lightened the chambers. Those remaining few bids Prussia and Macedonia goodnight as each took to their rooms as they passed until only he and Macedonia were left to walk across the shadowed compound. Gently Prussia drew Macedonia aside, toward his own chamber.
A thrill of excitement washed through her as he turned her into the shadowy recess of the doorway. Within there was only soft shadows cast by a small oil lamp in his bedchamber. Prussia led her there. He was in no hurry. They had all of the night, he’d made certain of it.
The last time they’d touched, he’d taken only for himself with only a little care for her. It would be different this time. They would both take their pleasure. He’s waited too long for this.
Prussia brushed the long brown hair over her shoulders so that they fell freely down her back, running his hand down the long, silken rippling length of it. Macedonia let her head fall back at his touch, her eyes on him.
Wrapping an arm around her waist, he drew her closer as he traced the lines of her cheek with the fingers of his other hand. She lifted her lips to him and he took them, gratefully. Her hands slid over his shoulders to curl around his neck, speared deep into his hair. He pulled her as tightly against him as their kiss deepened from desire to hunger. Her need matched his, her mouth was as greedy on his as his was on hers. It seemed to Prussia as if she melted into and against him. Her full breasts were crushed against his chest beneath the silk of her dress. Sliding his hands the long muscles of her back, he relished every inch of her, drawing her more tightly against him, pulling her hips against his growing hardness. Further, as she curled into him. His hands her bottom, her lithe body was fluid against his. Just as slowly, he slid hands over her hips, along the indentation that was the curve of her waist up to the arch of her ribs, exploring her, all of her. Each inch stoked the heat within him, until the curve of his hands brushed the bottoms of her breasts.
He left them poised there, a promise of heaven to come.
Macedonia loved the feel of his smooth, tawny skin beneath her hands, the hard muscles of his chest and shoulders solid beneath her palms. She relished the feel of his long hard body against hers as she rose up on her toes to press against him, to feel more of him, all of him, against her.
The feel of his hand so close to her breasts made Macedonia ache, her nipples hardened, needing them on her.
With a soft gasp, she broke the kiss as her breath caught and Prussia traced the line of her cheek with his mouth, before nibbling lightly at the lobe of her ear. Her breath locked in her throat. Macedonia clung to him, warmth washing through her, her skin tingling and her pulse racing as his mouth trailed heat along the line of her throat. It seemed as if her skin was on fire everywhere his mouth touched, heat spearing deep inside her. She quivered when Prussia buried his mouth in the curve of her throat and shoulder. A small cry escaped her as his tongue flicked out and he tasted her skin. Heat and tension curled in his belly as Prussia grew hard, feeling Macedonia against him, her body trembling to his touch. The scent of her perfumes blended with the taste of her skin. Prussia watched her eyelids flutter with desire, her mouth softening.
Gently, he brushed a thumb across the tented peak of silk, feeling the hardness of her nipple beneath it. Macedonia shivered, her lips parting on a gasp. Another inch and her breast filled his hand with its weight as she moaned softly. He relished the fullness of it, the marvelous soft sensation of her breast in his hand. His to touch, his to hold, and he groaned against her throat. Her breast felt so sweat to touch. Already her nipple was taut, furled tight. Gently he drew her gown down and away, let it flutter to the floor so she was revealed to him in all her glory. Lamplight limned her. His body tightened at the sight.
She was lovely, incredible.
In the pale flickering light her body was as lush and beautiful as he remembered, if not more so. Her skin where the sun hadn’t touched was as luminescent as fine pearls, glided lightly everywhere. Her breasts were full and very white, creamy globes. Prussia’s breath shuddered in his throat with pleasure and need. He swept a hand over the rest of her, to feel her taut abdomen, the curve of her hips, brushing his hand over between her thighs. Macedonia trembled. Prussia’s touch was sweet torture, igniting a nearly unbearable need.
Her own hands weren’t still. They stroked and caressed every inch of him she could reach, sliding up his back, over his strong arms, combing through his hair before sliding down to his hips to pull him against her, needing to feel his hardness pressed against her. It took only a sharp tug to free his pants from his hips.
Their tongues met, touched, tasted, as Macedonia touched his face in wonder and desire, running her fingers into and through his hair.
Deliberately, he devoured her. Her body arched as pleasure built inside her. He feasted on her…
Ecstasy more sweet than any Macedonia had ever known built within her. A sweet delicious tension that swelled within her grew, expanded…to burst through her, brilliantly. Macedonia shattered as it exploded through her.
Prussia was lost. Control snapped as a sharp cry of glory erupted from her.
Need drove him as control evaporated and then he drove himself up into her, inside her. He buried his hard shaft fast and deep into the tight, heated depths of her, into the delirious slick tightness of her as she cried out to feel him inside her. He filled her as her hips rose to take him more deeply. Her hands clutched at his back and shoulders, frantic for more of him!
As desperately as he plunged into her, she drove up against him.
She was so hot and so tight, closing around him so marvelously, so gloriously wet!
Prussia pounded into her, demanding more, demanding everything, and she gave it to him, her hips rising, her body closing tightly around him as she thrust against him. He caught her hands, pinned them to the bed as he pounded into her and she bucked beneath his assault, her soft cries of pleasure maddening…
They strove for completion!
Macedonia could feel him within her, pulsing, throbbing, filling her and stretching her. Each motion, each thrust was delirious torment. Sweet delicious friction built inside her. There was fullness, a wonderful stretching as he thrust into her, as he filled her completely, all of her.
Ecstasy burst through her, erupting, the glorious heat of a flooding through her as her body quivered.
Feeling her tighten around him, the muscles within her stroking him, Prussia shuddered as his own pleasure raced through him and he emptied into her, gloriously, seemingly endlessly, his shaft throbbing.
His body went rigid as ecstasy took him.
Trembling, Prussia a tried to hold his weight above her but she would have none of it. She reached up to draw him down to her as her arms encircled him. He collapsed over her, their arms and legs tangled around each other as he pulled her close against him.
In the earliest light of the day, Prussia loved her once again, deeply, thoroughly, before Macedonia slipped away to the new future in the new warmth of her lover’s arms.

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